Relief depicting Tuthmosis I
General Information

A king is depicted wearing a splendid composite crown, which is probably the so-called feather crown composed of two tall ostrich feathers. Only the serrated outlines of the feathers have been preserved in the relief. The feathers are set on a pair of massive ram's horns with a solar disk and a pair of smaller bull's horns attached to them. Two upright cobras appear on either side of the feathers; their heads are now missing. Two smaller cobras are appended from the horns. The king has the uraeus on his forehead. His ceremonial beard has a small curve at the tip, and he wears a broad collar without any details.

Number 4538
Storing Place The Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum - Hildesheim - Germany
Material Limestone
Type Fragment of a wall
Type of Script Hieroglyphic
Discovery Place Deir El-Bahari Temple - Luxor - Egypt
Width 46 cm
Height 41 cm
Thickness 10 cm
Historical Period The Eighteenth Dynasty – The New Kingdom
Inscriptions on the Monument
( If the Hieroglyphic,Demotic or Hieratic text is not appearing clear, install this file )

[1] [...] di anx nb mi ra wnn=f [xnti kAw anxw nbw]


"[1] ... given life like Re, may he endure (at the head of the kas of all living beings [...])"

Scientific Publishing

Echnaton - Nofretete - Tutanchamun, Hildesheim 1976, Kat.-Nr. 73.
Kayser, H., Die ägyptischen Altertümer im Roemer-Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim, Hildesheim 1973, S. 69, Abb. 43.
Porter, B. & Moss, R.L.B., Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, vol. II² : Theban temples, Oxford 1972, S. 355 (falsche Zuordnung).