Statue of Amenhotep III
General Information

Statue of king Amenhotep III, kneeling upright with an offering table in his arms, head and base missing, corners of the offering table broken off; the king is wearing a beard, a wig with long side lappets and a pigtail, a broad bead collar with Horus-head terminals and a short kilt; back pillar inscribed; offering table support inscribed.

Number E.82.1913
Storing Place Fitzwilliam Museum - Cambridgeshire - United Kingdom
Material Quartzite
Type Statue
Type of Script Hieroglyphic
Discovery Place Memphis - Cairo - Egypt
Width 35.7 cm
Height 45 cm
Thickness 48 cm
Historical Period The Eighteenth Dynasty – The New Kingdom
Inscriptions on the Monument
( If the Hieroglyphic,Demotic or Hieratic text is not appearing clear, install this file )

sA-ra //////// mry sxmt


Son of Re [Amenhotep] beloved of Sekhmet.

Scientific Publishing

J.D. Bourriau, Three monuments from Memphis in the Fitzwilliam Museum, JEA, vol. 68, (1982), 55-56.