Stela for Tembu
In the round top of the stela, the shenu flanked by two udjat-eyes is shown. In the central register are Tjembu and his wife, sitting on a high-backed seat. The man has his left arm around the shoulders of the woman, who is holding a lotus flower to her face. Both are holding a ribbon in their right hand. In front of them is an offering table on the other side of which is a female figure pouring drink from a heset-vase. Two horizontal lines of hieroglyphs are incised under the scene.
Inscriptions on the Monument
( If the Hieroglyphic,Demotic or Hieratic text is not appearing clear, install this file )
*mbw Wri %n-nw
Htp di nsw Wsir nTr aA di.f prt-xrw (m) t Hnqt kAw Apdw Ss mnxt sntr mrHt
xt nb(t) wabt n kA *mbw sAt.s sanx rn.s %n-nw
Tembu, Uri, Sennu. An offering that the king gives to Osiris, the great god, that he may grant bread, beer, oxen, fowls, alabaster vases, clothes, incense and unguent, every pure thing for the ka of Tembu. His daughter, who causes his name to live, Sennu.
S.Bosticco, Le stele egiziane del Nuovo Regno, II, (Roma, 1965), 19-20, n. 8. |