Back pillar of statue of Amenhotep II
General Information

A back pillar of statue of Amenhotep II, inscribed with hieroglyphic inscription.

Storing Place Egyptian museum - Cairo - Egypt
Type Statue
Type of Script Hieroglyphic
Historical Period The Eighteenth Dynasty – The New Kingdom
Inscriptions on the Monument
( If the Hieroglyphic,Demotic or Hieratic text is not appearing clear, install this file )

nTr nfr nb tAwy nb ir(t) xt nswt bity aA-xprw-ra mry imn di anx Dt


The good god, lord of the Two Lands, lord of ritual, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Aakheperure, beloved of Amen, given life forever.

Scientific Publishing

J. Kamrin, Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, A Practical Guide, (Cairo, 2004), 90